Manifestor personality types are here to initiate generators into action. Generators and manifesting generators are here to interact with the world and understand themselves. When they are aligned with their personal strategy, they are more joyful beings. When a generator or manifesting generator is not living by their strategy they often feel frustrated. Their primary strategy is to respond There is an approximate split 50/50 of generators and manifesting generators. The subset of generators known as Manifesting Generators, can act somewhat like manifestors and initiate action. They are here to wait for life to come to them. Generators are not here to initiate action. Generators and manifesting generators have an open an enveloping aura that draws the world and others to them. Almost 70% of analysed charts to date have a defined sacral centre. They have a strategy to respond to the world around them. Generators and manifesting generators have a defined sacral energy centre. Generators (including manifesting generators).This when used alongside your inner authority, help you make better choices in life and open you up to your authentic soul purpose. Each of these personality types gives a set of guidelines for the person to live by. In the human design system, there are four personality types.