This code will tell After Effects to wiggle the footage twice per second for thirty pixels. To do that you need to type in on the footage in the timeline “Wiggle”, followed by parentheses and inside the parentheses, you will write 2,30. What you are about to do is adding some wiggle to the footage and then working with it till it feels right and natural right. Then hold down the “Alt” key, which is “Options” on Mac, and click on the stopwatch. Next, click on the footage to choose it then you are going to hit “P” to bring up the position settings.
Then right-click on the footage and choose “new comp from selection” so that you can start working on the footage. You can also drag and drop your video footage there if you prefer. First things first, click inside the project panel to import your footage to after effects. Ok, now let’s see how it is done in after effects.